Jens Palsberg is Professor and Chair of Computer Science at UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests span the areas of compilers, embedded systems, programming languages, software engineering, and information security. He is the editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions of Programming Languages and Systems, a member of the editorial board of Information and Computation, a former member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, and a former conference program chair of POPL, TACAS, SAS, EMSOFT, MEMOCODE, PASTE, SREIS. In 2012 he received the ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Service Award.
Zeina Migeed is a fifth year PhD student. She studies computability and complexity aspects of gradually typed systems. She is currently studying the computability of making gradually typed programs as static as possible.
Shuyang Liu is a fourth year PhD student. She is currently working on formalizing and proving important properties of the relaxed memory model for Java. She previously has worked on various topics including applying augmented reality technologies to post-stroke rehabilitation and return-oriented programming.
Akshay Utture is a fourth year PhD student. He is currently working on improving the precision and scalability of Java Static Analysis tools. He has previously worked on the runtime design of the X10 task-parallel programming language during his integrated Bachelors+Masters at IIT Madras in India.
Micky Abir is a second year PhD student. He currently works on optimization of quantum programs. He has previously worked on the LLVM backend of the K Framework, as well as formalizing the continuation-style semantics of the IMP + Lists language and its reachability logic-based prover during his master's at UIUC.
Christian Kalhauge received his PhD in 2020, and is now a postdoc at DTU. His primary focus is dynamic and static analysis of programs. He worked on the ONR TPCP and the NJR project. He has a Masters of Science in Engineering from DTU in Denmark, with a focus on reliable software systems.
John Bender received his PhD in 2019. He works on compilers and verification techniques for concurrent algorithms executing on weak memory models. He previously worked in industry as an open source software developer on projects like vagrant and jquery.
Matt Brown received his PhD in 2017, and is now at Intentionet. His PhD work on Typed Self-Applicable Meta-Programming used typed program representation techniques to ensure correctness properties of self-applicable meta-programs like self-interpreters. Other research interests include functional programming, type systems, concurrency and program verification.
Mahdi Eslamimehr was born in Tehran, Iran. He received his bachelor in computer engineering from Sharif University, and his master in computer science from Linkoping University. He received his PhD in 2014 from UCLA. His research interest lies in the intersection of software testing, compiler construction and programming languages.
Mohsen Lesani has research experience with IBM Research, Oracle (Sun) Labs, HP Labs and EPFL and is currently an Associate Professor at University of California Riverside. His research focuses on the design, implementation, testing and verification of safety and security of concurrent and distributed systems.
Jonathan Lee, Fernando Pereira, Krishna Nandivada, Christian Grothoff, Ben Titzer
Kevin Chang, Vidyut Samanta, Joseph Cox
Lorenz Verzosa, Adam Harmetz
Daniel Lee, Keith Mayoral, Ryan Leon