Package avrora.monitors

Interface Summary
Monitor The Monitor class represents a monitor attached to a Simulator instance.

Class Summary
CallMonitor The CallMonitor class implements a monitor that is capable of tracing the call/return behavior of a program while it executes.
EnergyMonitor energy monitor implementation this class handles logging and recording of power consumption.
EnergyMonitorLog energy monitor implementation this class handles logging and recording of power consumption.
EnergyProfiler The EnergyProfiler class is a monitor that tracks the power consumption of the cpu instructions.
GDBServer The GDBServer class implements a monitor that can communicate to gdb via the remote serial protocol (RSP).
InteractiveMonitor The InteractiveMonitor class implements a monitor that allows the user to interact with the simulation as it is running.
InterruptMonitor The InterruptMonitor class implements a monitor that tracks the interrupts that happen during a simulation.
IORegMonitor The IORegMonitor is a simple tracing mechanism that allows reads and writes of IO registers to be displayed to the user as the program performs them.
MemoryMonitor The MemoryMonitor class implements a monitor that collects information about how the program accesses the data memory over its execution.
MonitorFactory The MonitorFactory class represents a profiling utility that is able to produce a Monitor for a simulation.
PacketMonitor Packet monitor implementation.
ProfileMonitor The ProfileMonitor class represents a monitor that can collect profiling information such as counts and branchcounts about the program as it executes.
RealTimeMonitor The RealTimeMonitor class slows down the simulation to real-time.
SerialMonitor The SerialMonitor class is a monitor that that is capable of setting up a virtual usart connection to the pc.
SimPerfMonitor This monitor measures the instantaneous performance of the simulator by inserting events into the queue at regular intervals and recording the elapsed (wall clock) time used for simulation.
SimpleBatteryMonitor simple battery monitors to shut down a node when an energy limit is exceeded ---- not yet implemented ----
SleepMonitor The SleepMonitor class is a monitor that tracks statistics about the sleeping patterns of programs, including the total number of cycles awake and the total number of cycles asleep during the simulation.
StackMonitor The StackMonitor class is a monitor that tracks the height of the program's stack over the execution of the simulation and reports the maximum stack of the program.
TraceMonitor The ProfileMonitor class represents a monitor that can collect profiling information such as counts and branchcounts about the program as it executes.
TripTimeMonitor The TripTimeMonitor class implements a monitor that tracks the time from executing instruction A in the program until the program reaches instruction B.