Interface Summary | |
InstrPrototype | The InstrPrototype interface represents an object that is capable of building
Instr instances given an array of Operand instances. |
InstrVisitor | |
Operand | The Operand class encapsulates the notion of an operand to an instruction. |
Operand.Constant | The Operand.Constant class encapsulates the notion of a constant operand to an
instruction. |
Operand.Register | The Operand.Register class encapsulates the notion of a register operand to an
instruction. |
Class Summary | |
Assembler | The Assembler class represents an assembler that is capable of
encoding AVR assembly instructions into binary machine code. |
ControlFlowGraph | The ControlFlowGraph represents a control flow graph for an entire program, including all
basic blocks and all procedures. |
Disassembler | The Disassembler class is (partially) generated from the instruction set description. |
Instr | The Instr class and its descendants represent instructions within the assembly code. |
Instr.ADC | ---------------------------------------------------------------- I N S T R U C T I O N D E S C R I P T I O N S ---------------------------------------------------------------- These are the actual instruction descriptions that contain the constraints on operands and sizes, etc. |
Instr.ADD | |
Instr.ADIW | |
Instr.AND | |
Instr.ANDI | |
Instr.ASR | |
Instr.BCLR | |
Instr.BLD | |
Instr.BRBC | |
Instr.BRBS | |
Instr.BRCC | |
Instr.BRCS | |
Instr.BREAK | |
Instr.BREQ | |
Instr.BRGE | |
Instr.BRHC | |
Instr.BRHS | |
Instr.BRID | |
Instr.BRIE | |
Instr.BRLO | |
Instr.BRLT | |
Instr.BRMI | |
Instr.BRNE | |
Instr.BRPL | |
Instr.BRSH | |
Instr.BRTC | |
Instr.BRTS | |
Instr.BRVC | |
Instr.BRVS | |
Instr.BSET | |
Instr.BST | |
Instr.CALL | |
Instr.CBI | |
Instr.CBR | |
Instr.CLC | |
Instr.CLH | |
Instr.CLI | |
Instr.CLN | |
Instr.CLR | |
Instr.CLS | |
Instr.CLT | |
Instr.CLV | |
Instr.CLZ | |
Instr.COM | |
Instr.CP | |
Instr.CPC | |
Instr.CPI | |
Instr.CPSE | |
Instr.DEC | |
Instr.EICALL | |
Instr.EIJMP | |
Instr.ELPM | |
Instr.ELPMD | |
Instr.ELPMPI | |
Instr.EOR | |
Instr.FMUL | |
Instr.FMULS | |
Instr.FMULSU | |
Instr.ICALL | |
Instr.IJMP | |
Instr.IMM_class | |
Instr.IMMIMM_class | |
Instr.IMMREG_class | |
Instr.IMMWORD_class | |
Instr.IN | |
Instr.INC | |
Instr.JMP | |
Instr.LD | |
Instr.LDD | |
Instr.LDI | |
Instr.LDPD | |
Instr.LDPI | |
Instr.LDS | |
Instr.LPM | |
Instr.LPMD | |
Instr.LPMPI | |
Instr.LSL | |
Instr.LSR | |
Instr.MOV | |
Instr.MOVW | |
Instr.MUL | |
Instr.MULS | |
Instr.MULSU | |
Instr.NEG | |
Instr.NONE_class | |
Instr.NOP | |
Instr.OR | |
Instr.ORI | |
Instr.OUT | |
Instr.POP | |
Instr.PUSH | |
Instr.RCALL | |
Instr.REG_class | |
Instr.REGIMM_class | |
Instr.REGIMMREG_class | |
Instr.REGREG_class | -------------------------------------------------------- A B S T R A C T C L A S S E S -------------------------------------------------------- These abstract implementations of the instruction simplify the specification of each individual instruction considerably. |
Instr.REGREGIMM_class | |
Instr.RET | |
Instr.RETI | |
Instr.RJMP | |
Instr.ROL | |
Instr.ROR | |
Instr.SBC | |
Instr.SBCI | |
Instr.SBI | |
Instr.SBIC | |
Instr.SBIS | |
Instr.SBIW | |
Instr.SBR | |
Instr.SBRC | |
Instr.SBRS | |
Instr.SEC | |
Instr.SEH | |
Instr.SEI | |
Instr.SEN | |
Instr.SER | |
Instr.SES | |
Instr.SET | |
Instr.SEV | |
Instr.SEZ | |
Instr.SLEEP | |
Instr.SPM | |
Instr.ST | |
Instr.STD | |
Instr.STPD | |
Instr.STPI | |
Instr.STS | |
Instr.SUB | |
Instr.SUBI | |
Instr.SWAP | |
Instr.TST | |
Instr.WDR | |
Instr.WORD_class | |
InstrProperties | The InstrProperties represents a grab bag of the properties of an instruction. |
InstructionSet | The InstructionSet class contains static methods that allow the instruction set of the AVR
microcontroller to be accessed from one place. |
LabelMapping | The LabelMapping class is a simple implementation of the SourceMapping
class that maps labels to addresses in the program. |
LoadableProgram | The LoadableProgram class represents a reference to a program on the disk.
ProcedureMap | The ProcedureMap class represents a mapping from basic blocks to the procedures that contain
them. |
Program | The Program class represents a complete program of AVR instructions. |
ProgramReader | The ProgramReader class represents an object capable of reading a program given the special
command line arguments. |
Register | The Register class represents a register available on the AVR instruction set. |
Register.Set | The Set class represents a set of registers. |
SourceMapping | The SourceMapping class embodies the concept of mapping machine code level
addresses and constructions in the Program class back to a source code program,
either in assembly language (labels), or a high-level programming lagnguage like C. |
Exception Summary | |
Instr.ImmediateRequired | The ImmediateRequired class represents an error in construction of an instance of
Instr where the given operand is expected to be an immediate but is not. |
Instr.InvalidImmediate | The InvalidImmediate class represents an error in construction of an instance of
Instr where the given immediate operand is not within the range that is specified by the
instruction set manual. |
Instr.InvalidOperand | The InvalidOperand class represents a runtime error thrown by the constructor of an
instruction or the build method of a prototype when an operand does not meet the
restrictions imposed by the AVR instruction set architecture. |
Instr.InvalidRegister | The InvalidRegister class represents an error in constructing an instance of
Instr where a register operand does not meet the instruction set specification. |
Instr.RegisterRequired | The RegisterRequired class represents an error in construction of an instance of
Instr where the given operand is expected to be a register but is not. |
Instr.WrongNumberOfOperands | The WrongNumberOfOperands class represents a runtime error thrown by the
build method of a prototype when the wrong number of operands is passed to build an
instruction. |