Submission Instructions

  1. You must submit your paper using ACM manuscript central. (If you need an account, select "create an account" in the very top right corner.)

  2. Submissions should take the form of full papers with appropriate citations. In the digital library, you may also include supplemental materials such as implementations, test programs, and source data, if your submission is accepted.

  3. Your submission should adhere to the ACM polices on prior publication, including correct citations of your own and other prior work. Your submission must include a cover letter documenting where any prior version of the submitted material may have appeared, whether it be a thesis, workshop, conference, or journal publication.

  4. Please read ACM's policies on these issues:

  5. Please prepare you submission in LaTex or Word formatted in the ACM style which is required for publication in TOPLAS. Instructions for these formats are on the ACM Web site:

  6. Your submission should have ACM Categories and Subject Descriptors and as many of the 16 fixed ACM General Terms as apply. Please go to the ACM Computing Classification System for additional information. You may also supply any additional keywords and phrases you would like included.

  7. Language Services. ACM has partnered with American Journal Experts (AJE) to provide language editing (and translation) services to ACM authors. AJE has helped thousands of researchers around the world to present their research in polished English suitable for publication in journals such as those published by ACM. Editing is available for both Word and LaTeX files. To take advantage of this partnership, visit American Journal Experts and enter referral code ACM15 for a 15% discount off all AJE services. (Editing services are at author expense and do not guarantee publication of a paper.) Please note that formatting assistance is provided at no charge to authors by Aptara, as specified on the author style guide pages for Latex and Word.

  8. Author Representations. Authors submitting papers for peer-review to ACM publications make the representations listed here.