Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Command tags for SPEC2000

By the way, I found the following list of parameters to run SPEC2000. I took it from Design and Implementation of a Lightweight Dynamic Optimization System, a paper by Jiwei Lu, Howard Chen, Pen-Chung Yew and Wei-Chung Hsu. Thanks for writing the paper, guys :)

BenchmarkCommand Line Input
ammp < ammp.in
applu < applu.in
art -scanfile c756hel.in -trainfile1 a10.img -trainfile2 hc.img -stride 2 -startx 470 -starty 140 -endx 520 -endy 180 -objects 10
bzip2 input.program 58
equake < inp.in
facerec < ref.in
fma3d < fma3d.in
gap -l ./ -q -m 192M < ref.in
gcc 200.i -o 200.s
gzip input.source 60
lucas < lucas2.in
mcf inp.in
mesa -frames 1000 -meshfile mesa.in -ppmfile mesa.ppm
parser 2.1.dict -batch < ref.in
sixtrack inp.in
swim < swim.in
vortex lendian1.raw
vpr net.in arch.in place.in route.out -nodisp -route only -route chan width 15 -pres fac mult 2 -acc fac 1 -first iter pres fac 4 -initial pres fac 8

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Scripts for SPEC2000

I did some scripts to compile the spec programs. They are in this directory. About the new stuff, to add/remove the new analysis:

in PhiDeconstruction_Fer::insert_memory_transfer, remove the memory transfers.
in ChordalAlloc_Fernando::spill, remove the slot mapping.
in SplitPhiGroups_Fer::runOnMachineFunction, comment the body, but let return false.

To disable all the LLVM optimizations, just use this command:
llvm-gcc -Wa,-disable-opt v1.c -o executable.

The vpr benchmark (one of SPEC2000), uses X window capabilities. It produces a very cool window. How to compile an X11 application?
gcc main.c -L/usr/X11r6/lib/ -lX11

Check the script to see how to compile 175.vpr.

By the way, I would like to thank Dale J. for helping with the command line for the gap benchmark. Some of the SPEC2000 benchmarks need some special flags when being compiled. You can find those flags in the configuration files of spec2000. In my system, they are in project/fernando/spec2000/config.