Interface Simulator.Event

All Known Implementing Classes:
CC1000Radio.ATMegaController.Transmit, CC1000Radio.CALRegister.Calibrate, EEPROM.EEPROMTicker, EnergyMonitor.Monitor.BatteryCheck, ExternalFlash.Delay, FiniteStateMachine.TransitionEvent, FreeSpaceAir.MeetEvent, InterruptScheduler.ScheduledInterrupt, IntervalSynchronizer.SynchEvent, PinConnect.PinEvent, ProbeTest.TestEvent, ProfileMonitor.Monitor.PeriodicProfile, SimpleAir.MeetEvent, SimTimeEvents.PauseEvent, Simulator.ClockCycleTimeout, SPI.TransmitReceive, Timer16Bit.Ticker, Timer8Bit.Ticker, USART.Receiver.Receive, USART.Transmitter.Transmit, VisualStackMonitor.SPMon
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Simulator.Event

The Simulator.Event interface represents an event that is fired when a timed event occurs within the simulator. Users of the simulator can insert timed events that model environmental factors, implement timeouts, timers, or any other type of functionality that is simulation-time dependent.

Method Summary
 void fire()
          The fire() method is called when the event to which it is tied happens with in the simulator.

Method Detail


public void fire()
The fire() method is called when the event to which it is tied happens with in the simulator.