Package avrora.sim.mcu

Interface Summary
ADC.ADCInput The ADCInput interface is used by inputs into the analog to digital converter.
Microcontroller The Microcontroller interface corresponds to a hardware device that implements the AVR instruction set.
Microcontroller.Pin The Pin interface encapsulates the notion of a physical pin on the microcontroller chip.
Microcontroller.Pin.Input The Input interface represents an input pin.
Microcontroller.Pin.Output The Output interface represents an output pin.
MicrocontrollerFactory The MicrocontrollerFactory interface is implemented by a class that is capable of making repeated copies of a particular microcontroller for use in simulation.
SPIDevice Interface for devices that can connect to the SPI.
USART.USARTDevice The USARTDevice interface describes USARTs and other serial devices which can be connected to the USART.

Class Summary
ADC The ADC class represents an on-chip device on the ATMega series of microcontroller that is capable of converting an analog voltage value into a 10-bit digital value.
ATMega128 The ATMega128 class represents the ATMega128 microcontroller from Atmel.
ATMega16 The ATMega16 class represents the ATMega16 microcontroller from Atmel.
ATMega32 The ATMega32 class represents the ATMega32 microcontroller from Atmel.
ATMegaFamily The ATMegaFamily class encapsulates much of the common functionality among the ATMega family microcontrollers from Atmel.
ATMegaFamily.DirectionRegister The DirectionRegister class implements an active register that sets the output direction of the general purpose IO pins which are present on the ATMega series.
ATMegaFamily.PinRegister The PinRegister class implements an active register that acts as the read register (input register) for the general purpose IO pins.
ATMegaFamily.PortRegister The PortRegister class implements an active register that acts as the write register (output register) for the general purpose IO pins.
AtmelInternalDevice The InteralDevice class represents an internal device on a microcontroller.
AtmelMicrocontroller The AtmelMicrocontroller class represents the common functionality among microcontrollers for the Atmel series.
EEPROM This is an implementation of the non-volatile EEPROM on the ATMega128 microcontroller.
MicrocontrollerProperties The MicrocontrollerProperties class is simply a wrapper class around several properties of a microcontroller including the size of the IO registers, the size of SRAM, flash, and EEPROM, as well as the mapping between names of pins and their physical pin number.
RegisterLayout The RegisterLayout class stores information about the IO register addresses for a particular microcontroller model.
RegisterSet The RegisterSet class is a utility that simplifies the implementation of certain IO registers that contain many types of fields whose bits may be spread out and mixed up over multiple IO registers.
RegisterSet.Field The Field class represents a collection of bits that represent a quantity used by a device.
ReprogrammableCodeSegment The ReprogrammableCodeSegment class represents a flash segment that stores code.
ReprogrammableCodeSegment.Factory The ReprogrammableCodeSegment.Factory class represents a class capable of creating a new code segment for a new interpreter.
SPI Serial Peripheral Interface.
SPI.Frame A single byte data frame for the SPI.
Timer16Bit The Timer16Bit class emulates the functionality and behavior of a 16-bit timer on the Atmega128.
Timer8Bit Base class of 8-bit timers.
USART The USART class implements a Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter, which is a serial device on the Atmel microcontrollers.
USART.Frame A USARTFrame is a representation of the serial frames being passed between the USART and a connected device.