Class Simulator

  extended byavrora.sim.Simulator

public class Simulator
extends java.lang.Object

The Simulator class implements a full processor simulator for the AVR instruction set. It is the base class of specific implementations that implement processor-specific behavior.

See Also:
Program, Instr, BaseInterpreter

Nested Class Summary
 class Simulator.ClockCycleTimeout
          The InstructionCountTimeout class is a probe that simply counts down and throws an exception when the count reaches zero.
static interface Simulator.Event
          The Simulator.Event interface represents an event that is fired when a timed event occurs within the simulator.
static interface Simulator.ExceptionWatch
          The Simulator.ExceptionWatch interface allows for monitoring of exceptional conditions in the machine state.
static interface Simulator.InterruptProbe
          The InterruptProbe interface represents a programmer-defined probe that can be inserted on an interrupt.
static interface Simulator.IORWatch
          The IORWatch interface represents a user probe that is fired when a watchpoint detects an access to an IO register where the watch has been inserted.
 class Simulator.Printer
          The Simulator.Printer class is a printer that is tied to a specific Simulator instance.
static interface Simulator.Probe
          The Simulator.Probe interface represents a programmer-defined probe that can be inserted at a particular instruction in the program. or at every instruction.
static interface Simulator.Watch
          The Watch interface represents a user watch that is fired when a watchpoint detects an access to an address where this watch has been inserted.
Field Summary
protected  MainClock clock
          The clock field stores a reference to the MainClock instance that tracks the clock cycles that have passed for this simulator.
protected  InterpreterFactory factory
          The factory field stores a reference to the InterpreterFactory which should be used to build an interpreter for this simulator.
protected  int id
          The id field stores a unique identifier used to differentiate this simulator from others that might be running in the same simulation.
protected  BaseInterpreter interpreter
          The interpreter field stores a reference to the instruction set interpreter.
protected  Microcontroller microcontroller
          The microcontroller field stores a reference to the microcontroller being simulated.
protected  Program program
          The program field allows descendants of the Simulator class to access the program that is currently loaded in the simulator.
Constructor Summary
Simulator(int i, InterpreterFactory f, Microcontroller mcu, Program p)
          The constructor creates the internal data structures and initial state of the processor.
Method Summary
 void delay(long cycles)
          The delay() method introduces a delay in the execution of the instructions of the program.
 void forceInterrupt(int num)
          The forceInterrupt() method forces the simulator to post the specified interrupt regardless of the normal source of the interrupt.
 MainClock getClock()
          The getClock() method gets a reference to the Clock that this simulator is driving.
 int getID()
          The getID() method simply returns this node's unique ID.
 BaseInterpreter getInterpreter()
          The getInterpreter() method returns the interpreter that is currently attached to this simulator.
 Microcontroller getMicrocontroller()
          The getMicrocontroller() method gets a reference to the microcontroller being simulated.
 Simulator.Printer getPrinter(java.lang.String c)
          The getPrinter() method returns a Simulator.Printer instance for the named verbose channel.
 Program getProgram()
          The getProgram() method gets a reference to the program that has been loaded onto this simulator.
 State getState()
          The getState() retrieves a reference to the current state of the simulation, including the values of all registers, the SRAM, the IO register, the program memory, program counter, etc.
 void insertEvent(Simulator.Event e, long cycles)
          The insertEvent() method inserts an event into the event queue of the simulator with the specified delay in clock cycles.
 void insertExceptionWatch(Simulator.ExceptionWatch watch)
          The insertExceptionWatch() method registers an ExceptionWatch instance.
 void insertInterruptProbe(Simulator.InterruptProbe p, int inum)
          The insertInterruptProbe() method inserts an interrupt probe on an interrupt.
 void insertIORWatch(Simulator.IORWatch p, int ioreg_num)
          The insertIORWatch() method allows an IO register watch to be inserted on an IO register.
 void insertProbe(Simulator.Probe p)
          The insertProbe() method allows a probe to be inserted that is executed before and after every instruction that is executed by the simulator
 void insertProbe(Simulator.Probe p, int addr)
          The insertProbe() method allows a probe to be inserted at a particular address in the program that corresponds to an instruction.
 void insertTimeout(long cycles)
          The insertTimeout() method inserts an event into the event queue of the simulator that causes it to stop execution and throw a Simulator.TimeoutException when the specified number of clock cycles have expired.
 void insertWatch(Simulator.Watch p, int data_addr)
          The insertWatch() method allows a watch to be inserted at a memory location.
 void removeEvent(Simulator.Event e)
          The removeEvent() method removes an event from the event queue of the simulator.
 void removeInterruptProbe(Simulator.InterruptProbe p, int inum)
          The removeInterruptProbe() method removes an interrupt probe from an interrupt.
 void removeIORWatch(Simulator.IORWatch p, int ioreg_num)
          The removeIORWatch() removes an IO register watch from the given register.
 void removeProbe(Simulator.Probe b)
          The removeProbe() method removes a probe from the global probe table (the probes executed before and after every instruction).
 void removeProbe(Simulator.Probe p, int addr)
          The removeProbe() method removes a probe from the instruction at the specified the address.
 void removeWatch(Simulator.Watch p, int data_addr)
          The removeWatch() method removes a given watch from the memory location.
 void start()
          The start() method begins the simulation.
 int step()
          The step() method steps the simulation one instruction or cycle.
 void stop()
          The stop() method stops the simulation if it is running.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Program program
The program field allows descendants of the Simulator class to access the program that is currently loaded in the simulator.


protected final Microcontroller microcontroller
The microcontroller field stores a reference to the microcontroller being simulated.


protected BaseInterpreter interpreter
The interpreter field stores a reference to the instruction set interpreter.


protected MainClock clock
The clock field stores a reference to the MainClock instance that tracks the clock cycles that have passed for this simulator.


protected final int id
The id field stores a unique identifier used to differentiate this simulator from others that might be running in the same simulation.


protected final InterpreterFactory factory
The factory field stores a reference to the InterpreterFactory which should be used to build an interpreter for this simulator. This interpreter factory will create an interpreter with the correct options that were specified on the command line.

Constructor Detail


public Simulator(int i,
                 InterpreterFactory f,
                 Microcontroller mcu,
                 Program p)
The constructor creates the internal data structures and initial state of the processor. It constructs an instance of the simulator that is ready to have devices attached, IO registers probed, and probes and events inserted. Users should not create Simulator instances directly, but instead should get an instance of the appropriate processor and load the program into it.

p - the program to load into the simulator
Method Detail


public Simulator.Printer getPrinter(java.lang.String c)
The getPrinter() method returns a Simulator.Printer instance for the named verbose channel. The verbose channel is either enabled or disabled.

c - the name of the verbose channel
a Simulator.Printer instance for this channel tied to this Simulator instance


public Microcontroller getMicrocontroller()
The getMicrocontroller() method gets a reference to the microcontroller being simulated.

a reference to the microcontroller being simulated


public Program getProgram()
The getProgram() method gets a reference to the program that has been loaded onto this simulator.

a reference to the Program instance representing the program loaded onto this Simulator object


public MainClock getClock()
The getClock() method gets a reference to the Clock that this simulator is driving.

a reference to the clock for this simulator


public int getID()
The getID() method simply returns this node's unique ID.

the unique ID of this node


public BaseInterpreter getInterpreter()
The getInterpreter() method returns the interpreter that is currently attached to this simulator.

the current interpreter


public State getState()
The getState() retrieves a reference to the current state of the simulation, including the values of all registers, the SRAM, the IO register, the program memory, program counter, etc. This state is mutable.

a reference to the current state of the simulation


public void start()
The start() method begins the simulation. It causes the simulator to invoke a runLoop that executes instructions, firing probes and events as it executes. The start() method returns normally when the break AVR instruction is executed, when a BreakPointException is thrown, when a TimeoutException is thrown, or when the stop() method on this simulator instance is called.


public int step()
The step() method steps the simulation one instruction or cycle.

the number of cycles advanced; 1 in the case of sleeping, delaying, 1 in the case of handling an interrupt, and for all other multi-cycle instructions, the number of cycles consumed by executing the instruction


public void stop()
The stop() method stops the simulation if it is running. This method can be called from within a probe or event or from another thread.


public void insertProbe(Simulator.Probe p)
The insertProbe() method allows a probe to be inserted that is executed before and after every instruction that is executed by the simulator

p - the probe to insert


public void insertProbe(Simulator.Probe p,
                        int addr)
The insertProbe() method allows a probe to be inserted at a particular address in the program that corresponds to an instruction. The probe is then fired before and after that particular instruction is executed.

p - the probe to insert
addr - the address at which to insert the probe


public void removeProbe(Simulator.Probe b)
The removeProbe() method removes a probe from the global probe table (the probes executed before and after every instruction). The comparison used is reference equality, not .equals().

b - the probe to remove


public void removeProbe(Simulator.Probe p,
                        int addr)
The removeProbe() method removes a probe from the instruction at the specified the address. The comparison used is reference equality, not .equals().

p - the probe to remove
addr - the address from which to remove the probe


public void insertInterruptProbe(Simulator.InterruptProbe p,
                                 int inum)
The insertInterruptProbe() method inserts an interrupt probe on an interrupt. The probe will then be notified when the interrupt is executed, masked, or posted.

p - the interrupt probe to insert
inum - the interrupt number to insert the probe on


public void removeInterruptProbe(Simulator.InterruptProbe p,
                                 int inum)
The removeInterruptProbe() method removes an interrupt probe from an interrupt. The probe will then no longer be notified when the interrupt is executed, masked, or posted.

p - the interrupt probe to remove
inum - the interrupt number to remove the probe from


public void insertWatch(Simulator.Watch p,
                        int data_addr)
The insertWatch() method allows a watch to be inserted at a memory location. The probe will be executed before every read or write to that memory location.

p - the probe to insert
data_addr - the data address at which to insert the probe


public void removeWatch(Simulator.Watch p,
                        int data_addr)
The removeWatch() method removes a given watch from the memory location. Reference equality is used to check for equality when removing probes, not .equals().

p - the probe to remove
data_addr - the data address from which to remove the probe


public void insertIORWatch(Simulator.IORWatch p,
                           int ioreg_num)
The insertIORWatch() method allows an IO register watch to be inserted on an IO register. The watch will be executed before every read or write to that IO register by the program.

p - the probe to insert
ioreg_num - the number of the IO register to insert the watch for


public void removeIORWatch(Simulator.IORWatch p,
                           int ioreg_num)
The removeIORWatch() removes an IO register watch from the given register. Reference equality is used to check for equality when removing probes, not .equals().

p - the probe to insert
ioreg_num - the number of the IO register to insert the watch for


public void forceInterrupt(int num)
The forceInterrupt() method forces the simulator to post the specified interrupt regardless of the normal source of the interrupt. If there is a flag register associated with the specified interrupt, then the flag register's value will be set as if the original source of the interrupt (e.g. a timer) had posted the interrupt. As with a normal post of the interrupt, if the interrupt is masked out via a mask register or the master interrupt enable bit, the interrupt will not be delivered. The main reason that this interface exists is for forcing programs to handle interrupts and observe their behavior.

num - the interrupt number to force


public void insertEvent(Simulator.Event e,
                        long cycles)
The insertEvent() method inserts an event into the event queue of the simulator with the specified delay in clock cycles. The event will then be executed at the future time specified

e - the event to be inserted
cycles - the number of cycles in the future at which to fire


public void insertTimeout(long cycles)
The insertTimeout() method inserts an event into the event queue of the simulator that causes it to stop execution and throw a Simulator.TimeoutException when the specified number of clock cycles have expired.

cycles - the number of cycles to run before timing out


public void removeEvent(Simulator.Event e)
The removeEvent() method removes an event from the event queue of the simulator. The comparison used is reference equality, not .equals().

e - the event to remove


public void insertExceptionWatch(Simulator.ExceptionWatch watch)
The insertExceptionWatch() method registers an ExceptionWatch instance.

watch - The ExceptionWatch instance.


public void delay(long cycles)
The delay() method introduces a delay in the execution of the instructions of the program. This is used by some devices for correct timing behavior. For example, the EEPROM, when written, causes a small delay in which no instructions are executed.

cycles - the number of cycles to delay the simulation