Class CodeSegment.ProbedInstr

  extended byavrora.core.Instr
      extended byavrora.sim.CodeSegment.ProbedInstr
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

protected class CodeSegment.ProbedInstr
extends Instr

The ProbedInstr class represents a wrapper around an instruction in the program that executes the probes before executing the instruction and after the instruction. For most methods on the Instr class, it simply forwards the call to the original instruction.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class avrora.core.Instr
Instr.ADC, Instr.ADD, Instr.ADIW, Instr.AND, Instr.ANDI, Instr.ASR, Instr.BCLR, Instr.BLD, Instr.BRBC, Instr.BRBS, Instr.BRCC, Instr.BRCS, Instr.BREAK, Instr.BREQ, Instr.BRGE, Instr.BRHC, Instr.BRHS, Instr.BRID, Instr.BRIE, Instr.BRLO, Instr.BRLT, Instr.BRMI, Instr.BRNE, Instr.BRPL, Instr.BRSH, Instr.BRTC, Instr.BRTS, Instr.BRVC, Instr.BRVS, Instr.BSET, Instr.BST, Instr.CALL, Instr.CBI, Instr.CBR, Instr.CLC, Instr.CLH, Instr.CLI, Instr.CLN, Instr.CLR, Instr.CLS, Instr.CLT, Instr.CLV, Instr.CLZ, Instr.COM, Instr.CP, Instr.CPC, Instr.CPI, Instr.CPSE, Instr.DEC, Instr.EICALL, Instr.EIJMP, Instr.ELPM, Instr.ELPMD, Instr.ELPMPI, Instr.EOR, Instr.FMUL, Instr.FMULS, Instr.FMULSU, Instr.ICALL, Instr.IJMP, Instr.IMM_class, Instr.ImmediateRequired, Instr.IMMIMM_class, Instr.IMMREG_class, Instr.IMMWORD_class, Instr.IN, Instr.INC, Instr.InvalidImmediate, Instr.InvalidOperand, Instr.InvalidRegister, Instr.JMP, Instr.LD, Instr.LDD, Instr.LDI, Instr.LDPD, Instr.LDPI, Instr.LDS, Instr.LPM, Instr.LPMD, Instr.LPMPI, Instr.LSL, Instr.LSR, Instr.MOV, Instr.MOVW, Instr.MUL, Instr.MULS, Instr.MULSU, Instr.NEG, Instr.NONE_class, Instr.NOP, Instr.OR, Instr.ORI, Instr.OUT, Instr.POP, Instr.PUSH, Instr.RCALL, Instr.REG_class, Instr.REGIMM_class, Instr.REGIMMREG_class, Instr.RegisterRequired, Instr.REGREG_class, Instr.REGREGIMM_class, Instr.RET, Instr.RETI, Instr.RJMP, Instr.ROL, Instr.ROR, Instr.SBC, Instr.SBCI, Instr.SBI, Instr.SBIC, Instr.SBIS, Instr.SBIW, Instr.SBR, Instr.SBRC, Instr.SBRS, Instr.SEC, Instr.SEH, Instr.SEI, Instr.SEN, Instr.SER, Instr.SES, Instr.SET, Instr.SEV, Instr.SEZ, Instr.SLEEP, Instr.SPM, Instr.ST, Instr.STD, Instr.STPD, Instr.STPI, Instr.STS, Instr.SUB, Instr.SUBI, Instr.SWAP, Instr.TST, Instr.WDR, Instr.WORD_class, Instr.WrongNumberOfOperands
Field Summary
protected  int address
protected  Instr instr
protected  MulticastProbe probe
Fields inherited from class avrora.core.Instr
Constructor Summary
CodeSegment.ProbedInstr(Instr i, CodeSegment.ProbedInstr prev)
CodeSegment.ProbedInstr(Instr i, int a)
Method Summary
 void accept(InstrVisitor v)
          The accept() method is part of the visitor pattern for instructions.
 Instr asInstr()
          The asInstr() method converts an instruction into an AVR instruction.
 Instr build(int address, Operand[] ops)
          The build() method constructs a new Instr instance with the given operands, checking the operands against the constraints that are specific to each instruction.
 java.lang.String getOperands()
          The getOperands() method returns a string representation of the operands of the instruction.
Methods inherited from class avrora.core.Instr
getCycles, getName, getSize, getVariant, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final int address


protected final Instr instr


protected final MulticastProbe probe
Constructor Detail


public CodeSegment.ProbedInstr(Instr i,
                               int a)


public CodeSegment.ProbedInstr(Instr i,
                               CodeSegment.ProbedInstr prev)
Method Detail


public void accept(InstrVisitor v)
Description copied from class: Instr
The accept() method is part of the visitor pattern for instructions. The visitor pattern uses two virtual dispatches combined with memory overloading to achieve dispatching on multiple types. The result is clean and modular code.

Specified by:
accept in class Instr
v - the visitor to accept


public Instr build(int address,
                   Operand[] ops)
Description copied from interface: InstrPrototype
The build() method constructs a new Instr instance with the given operands, checking the operands against the constraints that are specific to each instruction.

address - the address at which the instruction will be located
ops - the operands to the instruction
a new Instr instance representing the instruction with the given operands


public java.lang.String getOperands()
Description copied from class: Instr
The getOperands() method returns a string representation of the operands of the instruction. This is useful for printing and tracing of instructions as well as generating listings.

Specified by:
getOperands in class Instr
a string representing the operands of the instruction


public Instr asInstr()
Description copied from class: Instr
The asInstr() method converts an instruction into an AVR instruction. This is used internally for special types of instructions (that are used in the interpreter, for example) so that they behave correctly when reading them from an executing program.

asInstr in class Instr
an object representing this instruction that is one of the valid AVR instructions; null if this instruction is a "special" type of instruction such as those used internally in the interpreter