Package avrora.core.isdl

Interface Summary
Architecture.EncodingVisitor The EncodingVisitor interface is a simple interface that can be used to iterate over the encodings declared in the instruction set specification.
Architecture.InstrVisitor The InstrVisitor interface is a simple interface that can be used to iterate over the instructions declared in the instruction set specification.
Architecture.OperandVisitor The OperandVisitor interface is a simple interface that can be used to iterate over the operands declared in the instruction set specification.
Architecture.SubroutineVisitor The SubroutineVisitor interface is a simple interface that can be used to iterate over the subroutines declared in the instruction set specification.
Architecture.Visitor The Visitor class represents a visitor over the elements of the architecture description.

Class Summary
Architecture The Architecture class represents a collection of instructions, encodings, operands, and subroutines that describe an instruction set architecture.
CodeRegion The CodeRegion class represents a piece of code that has external inputs.
EncodingDecl The EncodingDecl class represents the encoding of an instruction in machine code, describing how to encode the mnemonic and operands into binary and vice versa.
InstrDecl The InstrDecl class represents the declaration of an instruction in an instruction set description language file.
OperandDecl The OperandDecl class represents the declaration of a set of values (or registers) that can serve as an operand to a particular instruction.
SubroutineDecl The SubroutineDecl class represents the declaration of a subroutine within the instruction set description.