Online Help for Item: serial

% avrora -help serial
Avrora [Beta 1.6.0] - (c) 2003-2005 UCLA Compilers Group

Usage: avrora [-action=action] [options] 
Usage: avrora -help [category]


    The "serial" monitor allows the serial port (UART) of a node in the
simulation to be connected to a socket so that data from the program running
in the simulation can be outputted, and external data can be fed into the
serial port of the simulated node.


    Help for the options accepted by this monitor is below.

    -node: long = 0
        The "node" option specifies which node's serial port the
        socket will be connected to.
    -port: long = 2390
        The "port" option specifies the server port on which the
        serial forwarder will accept a connection for the serial port.

For more information, see the online documentation at
To report bugs or seek help, consult the Avrora mailing list:
Please include the version number [Beta 1.6.0] when posting to the list.