Online Help for Item: cfg

% avrora -help cfg
Avrora [Beta 1.6.0] - (c) 2003-2005 UCLA Compilers Group

Usage: avrora [-action=action] [options] 
Usage: avrora -help [category]


    The "cfg" action builds and displays a control flow graph of the given
input program. This is useful for better program understanding and for
optimizations. The graph can be outputted in a textual format, or the format
supported by the "dot" graph tool.


    Help for the specific options accepted by this action is below.

    -collapse-procedures: boolean = false
        This option is used when outputting in the "dot" output
        format. When this option is true, the control flow graph
        utility will attempt to discover procedures within the control
        flow graph and collapse whole procedures to a single node in
        the output.
    -color-procedures: boolean = true
        This option is used when outputting in the "dot" output
        format. When this option is true, the control flow graph
        utility will attempt to discover procedures and color them in
        the output.
    -file: string = 
        This option specifies the output file for the result of
        generating a"dot" format control flow graph. When this option
        is not set, a textual representation of the graph will be
        printed to the terminal.
    -group-procedures: boolean = true
        This option is used when outputting in the "dot" output
        format. When this option is true, the control flow graph
        utility will attempt to discover procedures and group them as
        subgraphs in the output.
    -output: string = 
        This option selects the output format for the control flow
        graph. When this option is set to "dot", then the control flow
        graph will be outputted in a format suitable for parsing by
        the dot graph rendering tool.

For more information, see the online documentation at
To report bugs or seek help, consult the Avrora mailing list:
Please include the version number [Beta 1.6.0] when posting to the list.